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Good day to all
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 This is my first blog in cyber-security and i hope this post will help you to secure your own home router and your ISP provider that you use in your home. and this blog post is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES only.  Now a days many blog posts sharing how you secure your WIFI Network and how other hackers can exploit it and how can steal our private data etc.. that's the consequences of neglecting and not securing our home network not only our INTERNET CONNECTION can be compromise but also your identity and other personal and private data will expose when it exploit online.

Now this is what i discover one of the internet provider here in the philippines the PLDTHOMEDSL i run some test and i tested and it works, I discover that many PLDT clients didn't change their WIFI BSSID or what we called WIFI NAME in Broadcast Mode and sadly also their WIFI PASSWORD they leave it Default Password. Here is the sample of the PLDTWIFI i discover.

As you can see i see all the connected devices on the wifi network. how i exploit it?  i saw the BSSID of this WIFI Network like e.g. PLDTHOMEDSL42GAD <-- sample BSSID not on the picture . Me seeing like this i said to my self no this is not in default password
because when you see this wifi name PLDTHOMEDSL that is "commonly" not all is on default password. but when i saw and count the last number and letters it total on 5 numeric and alphabet letters then now i try to use it.

How i Exploit this  wifi network  PLDTHOMEDSL42GAD by using default password

1. I Click the wifi network name PLDTHOMEDSL42GAD//Sample Network Name
2. Then type this as your password PLDTWIFI42GAD //the default password of PLDTHOME starts commonly in PLDTWIFI and the last numeric and alphabet letters is the gold key to get access on the wifi network the last letters and number is the mac. address of the device or the modem router of the ISP Provider inside your home or business.
3. Then wait if no errors on authenticating then you are lucky you can access their  WIFI INTERNET now.




  1. This professional hacker is absolutely reliable and I strongly recommend him for any type of hack you require. I know this because I have hired him severally for various hacks and he has never disappointed me nor any of my friends who have hired him too, he can help you with any of the following hacks:

    -Phone hacks (remotely)
    -Credit repair
    -Bitcoin recovery (any cryptocurrency)
    -Make money from home (USA only)
    -Social media hacks
    -Website hacks
    -Erase criminal records (USA & Canada only)
    -Grade change

    Email: cybergoldenhacker at gmail dot com


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